Our company works in the respect of the environment, love for nature and animals is for us an essential choice of heart and ethic. The Argan and Monoi oils used have organic certification, all the products are not tested on animals. The six best seller products are 100% vegan and gluten free
We like to call ourselves a “big family” together with our most loyal customers and the hairstylists who choose to work with us every day.
A brand 100% made in Italy.
From a team with thirty years of experience in the haircare and beauty luxury sector, always looking for high quality raw materials in Italy and abroad and engaged in incessant studies in the sector, is born Ambrosia, the shampoo that breathes!
Healthy hair right away, from the first shampoo: the innovative Ambrosia Eternal Ritual Beauty ine in fact allows your hair and the care to breathe tanks to the innovative microanionictecnology (MT) which creates a grid able to keep the scalp healthy and hydrated, giving the hair shiness and silkiness as it deeply nourishes and repairs the stem.
Ambrosia takes its inspiration turning its gaze to mythology, in which it represented the drink of gods. The term came from the Greek am (non) and brotòs (mortal), or rather, the nectar of immortals.
By virtue of this fascinating story, Ambrosia Eterna Ritual Beauty has created a unique formula, an extraordinary nectar that can give the eternal beauty to your hair: the shampoo that breathes!

La Mission
Our goal is to spread and share an equation of primary importance:
"healthy hair / scalp = silky, shiny and strong hair". The novelty: its powerful microanionctecnology (MT) formula will amaze you. The hair is healthy because it breathes!
Our mission is to take care of your hair with absolute respect for the scalp; six products able to satisfy all types of hair / scalp from the first applications, your trust will be our most precious achievement.
The preciousness lies in the simple: your beauty secret enclosed in a highly versatile line, to have healthy and shiny hair in a few gestures. A simple and effective beauty ritual which you can’t longer do without.
From the power of nature your best allies to fight pollution, sun, intense cold, salt air, swimming pool chlorine, use dryers at high temperature, hair straighteners, excessive brushing, use of products and accessories that put your hair on the test weakening them.

The Revolution
Revolutionize our way of conceiving shampoo and cleansing in general with Ambrosia the Shampoo that Breathes. With a single gesture, the hair is immediately healthy! The power, and at the same time the preciousness, of this products, lies in allowing the professional to work a hair that is always silky and deeply nourished, ready for any technical and stylistic work.
VISION: “360° Beauty”
“360 ° beauty°”, starting from healthy hair and scalp! A new concept of beauty hair to start in the best salons and directly at your home, in extreme simplicity and practicality. Any hairstylist gets the best results from a color treatment or a cut, only if he finds a healthy and hydratedhair.
This for us represents the concept of "360 ° beauty": a correct and delicate cleansing, a hydration that differs depending on the hair and a final treatment that responds to your desires.